Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Dear Matthew,

You have given me so much and you are just two years old. Life is totally different with you and it seems to be more completed with your arrival. You are so vibrant, full of life, and such a kind and loving kid. Daddy and I talk all the time that we got REALLY lucky when God gave us you. Life hasn't always been lucky for us, so we certainly count you as a blessing above all.

I'm grateful for just your life. When I think of how you were created, grew, and all the developments since then I am amazed at the power of God. He truly did know you and create you and gave you special gifts and qualities. Some of those things that we have already recognized are that you are generous, kind, you may test the boundaries but there is nothing malicious that ever comes out of you. You like to be praised and seem to feel love and appreciation that way. You are very smart and observant. You notice people's faces, words, and are especially keen in picking up on people's emotions. You pay attention to details and like structure. You like to joke around and joke with us alot. You'll say something wrong on purpose and then smile at us, like only you can, and then say "No...that's not right." and correct yourself. You are a ladies man and have referred to yourself as a Flirt, as you have heard that many times from people around you. You like your family and seem to be a grateful child who doesn't need alot.

Matthew you have taught me so much that I am grateful for and the lessons attached to them. These are things that I never would have had the opportunity to grow in and learn if it weren't for you. You have taught me that I'm not an expert in everything but I don't have to be, you love me just for who I am...your Mommy. You've shown me a simple faith and simplicity in life that is inspiring as we don't have to allow the weight of the world to suck that simplicity out of us. You are so quick to show love and forgiving of us when we don't do things right, don't understand, or just need a hug or kiss. Laughter can cure all kinds of things and your laugh is something I would love to pipe into the worlds speakers so that all could smile. You have taught me humility as you seek to say and do things just like me or your Daddy. Knowing that you are watching us so closely makes me want to do the right thing more and be focused on things of importance so that those would be the things that rub off on you. Your Daddy and I are completely responsible for you and thought honestly sometimes that overwhelms me, most of the time that spurs me on to be the best for you. You give grace and love just as my God does to me as well when I'm not the best. I just have to give my best to you and that's enough.

Matthew, life is complete with you around. I love your smile, your heart and your personality. I know that you are going to do great things in this life and trust that you will do those things for the right reasons. You are prayed for daily and loved deeply. Thank you for showing me that I can be entrusted with much and that I am loved. I am most thankful that I was chosen to be your Mommy.

For you I am grateful.

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