Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Adult Friends

Remember when we were young and ran around the neighborhood with several friends. All it took for me was someone that could push me on the swing to be worthy of being my "best friend". Then we got a little bigger and went to college and friends really became our family as we were far away from them. (Well, does 15 minutes count as far away...I digress). During that time as we were ushered into adulthood, some kicking and screaming, we, meaning I, developed an deep need for friendship.

I can look back over the years and see friends that were in my life for that time and helped move me through to the next stage in life. Some are still around now and are the dearest people in my life (mainly because they have seen my ugliness and are still around...they are heros to me! And you know who you are). I always struggled with friends not being friends forever but am coming to learn that there is a purpose for some people in our life and that may not be needed forever.

When I got married, it is kind of a natural thing to want to spend all your time with your husband, you know...gazing into his eyes, having long walks on the beach, dinner by candlelight, and falling asleep in each others arms. Oh, sorry I'll put my romance novel down and get back to reality...ha!  Your spouse should be your best friend and that is important to spend that time to cling to one another. David and I had some tough times the first year of our marriage with his parents getting divorced and at that time we needed to hold to each other.Through our marriage we have developed some lasting friendships with other couple friends and have enjoyed our times together and joking about who does the dishes, how conflict is dealt with, and other humourous and serious things.

David and I were talking the other day that when we turned 25 (however long ago that was) it was like we "arrived" into adulthood. As I've thought about that, and now become a mom, I have become so much more aware of the importance of adult friends...specifically girlfriends. Not only to go have fun with, pedicures, dinner, or what not, but to rely on and share life with. I think its most important to be there for your family, but when I look at my life, there are about 3 "best" friends that I have that are next in line of importance after David and Matthew.

I need them, they give me perspective, hope, a sounding board, humor, and they understand.  I'm not sure what I would do without them. It seems as we get older we let work, family, and other responsibilities push friends to the back burner. I think that's an error in our society's thinking. We were not created to be an island, we need people and as women, we need other women to journey with us and share life together. It's vital to our sanity and gives us an opportunity to voice concerns, feelings and emotions that sometimes, our husbands just don't get (or at least mine doesn't).

So, who are your go to people? How are you reaching out to others and allowing others to help you, support you, or share life with? You don't have to be going through something tough to need someone, friends are there to celebrate our good times as well and just to be with. I pray that each of you (you know the three people who read this blog) find time to think of how thankful you are for your friends, tell them you are and enjoy being with them. Thank you to my friends for being there for me and for giving me grace and freedom to be who I am. I'm better because of you. Family is most important and should be a priority but don't miss out on the added blessing of sharing some time with a good is good for the soul.

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