Tuesday, August 23, 2011


There's alot of talk in the Christian belief system about spiritual gifts. There are many of them and they are important. The small group that David and I belong to discussed our personal spiritual gifts last night. I have been thinking alot about these and wondering what mine was and how I was being purposeful in using it.

When I began thinking about my gift I began to feel like I was bragging about myself by saying I was good at this. Then I began to think...sure, I'm good at that but look at all the other gifts I'm not good at. As God worked on me and provided clarity to me I realized that my spiritual gift is truly a gift from Him. If I continue to hold back and not count my blessings in relation to my gift it's as if I'm telling God that His gift wasn't good enough for me. And if I want to be something I'm not then I'm not embracing what am I and living to my fullest potential.

Hmmmm....I said to myself. So I explored more and sought out the opinions of trusted others to determine in fact if this was my spiritual gift. So, what is it??  Exhortation. This has been defined as "the special ability God gives some to help strengthen weak, faltering, adn fainhearted Christians in such a way that they are motivated to be all God wants them to be. The ability to help others reach their full potential by means of encouraging, challenging, comforting and guiding."

When I began to explore my life, my profession, my interactions with others this so accurately described my intentions with most everyone I meet. And I'M PROUD TO SAY IT!! I find strength and energy in talking with others about their life, walking alongside them in the trenches of life, and seeing them succeed and reach their full potential. I would consider myself someone who does not have it all together but someone who is real enough to know that I've made mistakes and I want people to find a safe place to land in me. God has given me those abilities to hear real, raw hurts from people and work to make plans out of their feelings, goals out of their tears, and new life out of the mess.

I have begun to seek out opportunities with others and in my community that would use this gift. It is not for me but for others. I have been blessed with a job that has capitalized on this and allowed me to do this on a daily basis. Many friends, I hope, have been blessed by this. One particular friend and me meet weekly in order for us to share life together and for discipleship to happen. I'm excited about embracing this, even though I think I already knew it.

I call it a spiritual gift but you don't have to. What makes you tick? Where do you find yourself getting energy and refreshed? When do you feel as if its effortless to do something and its just innate in you? What are things you do or give that you can't wait until the next time? When you find yourself doing these things I hope that you embrace that as a unique character trait created just for you in order to help you and the rest of the world.

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